Young Men’s Leadership Backpacking Adventure – August 14 to 20, 2024

Rocky Mountains, British Columbia

Young Men’s Leadership
Backpacking Adventure

August 14 to 20, 2024

Challenge yourself physically and mentally

Detox your mind and body

Be inspired by pristine wilderness and like-minded young men called to a life of authenticity, health and purpose

Learn wilderness survival, leadership and communication skills


  • 2 x preparatory group calls.

  • Camping gear.

  • Food for the entire hiking trip.

  • Facilitation of logistics and experiential activities.

  • Safety oversight.

  • Round trip transportation from Vancouver to the hiking site.

  • One group integration call 2 weeks after the trip.

Price + Dates

$1750 CAD tax included

Flights are not included in this price and must be booked individually.


August 14 to 20 2024.


Send an email and include your name, age, profession and why you are interested in the trip. I will respond to your message and if you are suitable for the trip invite you for an interview.